Machines, Tools & Accessories for Rock Processing

The typical type of machines are as follows.  The modification of machine according to the change of processing is possible.  Click the name to see the details.

Machines, Tools & Accessories

Cerchar Abrasiveness Index (CAI) Tester



This product is manufactured according to the requirements of the 2022 edition, ASTM D7625-22.


Designation: D7625 22

Standard Test Method for

Laboratory Determination of Abrasiveness of Rock Using the CERCHAR Abrasiveness Index Method

ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials,

CERCHAR : Center d Études et Recherches des Charbonnages


Product Features


The main parts of this instrument are made of stainless steel or duralumin to create a pleasant and refreshing laboratory environment and improve durability, and other parts are coated to prevent corrosion.



Showing the stylus pin laid on the specimen held fixed by the vise having hand cranks.

A load frame for 70N load action and stylus pin fixation, and intersection tables with digital indicators for fixing the specimen and horizontal left and right/front and back movements are installed to meet the requirements of ASTM D7625 - 22.


2. Microscope   현미경

Showing the stylus pin laid on the XY stage micrometer heads of the digital device (microscope).



The appearance of the tip of the stylus (the degree of wear and the flatness) is observed under the rotating cross-line reticle on the user's notebook.

A digital device (microscope) is equipped with micrometric attachment cross-tables for lateral/forward/backward precision movement of stylus pin and a data transmission USB cable for visual observation of the pin wear (observed on a customer's computer or laptop computer, etc.), to meet the requirements of ASTM D7625-22.


3. Grinder



The stylus pin grinder is a sharpening device for reproducing the stylus pin to meet the requirements of ASTM D7625-22.




RCAT - 1

Machine Space                          mm

330(W) x 500(D) x 600(H)

Working Table Size                   mm

500(W) x 600(D) X 600(H)

Tool Power & Stylus Pin Load

220V, 2P & 70N

Scratch distance precision       mm


Table Center Length                  mm


Steel Stylus Hardness

Rockwell Hardness HRC 55

Maximum specimen diameter & height   mm

75 & 150

Steel Stylus pin & Cross table   mm

10 & 0.01*75mm

Digital micrometer                      mm

0-25, 2ea

Microscope magnification


Collet chuck                                 mm


Position indicator pitch




Steel Stylus Pin: 10 mm, 50 ea


538-7, Opo-Ro, Gwangju-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 12774, Korea TEL: +82 (0)31 766 0862 | FAX: +82 (0)31 766 0863

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